Leadership and team development for executives who crave alignment and performance

Identify the issues holding your team back, so you can create alignment and boost performance.

Alignment BEGINS with your executive team

If your executive team does not have a shared vision, a culture of authenticity, and a clear understanding of how people and departments must function together to achieve success, then success will not be achieved.

Work teams fail 60% of the time. Often, they don’t accomplish their goals due to a lack of shared purpose, unclear goals and roles, a lack of mutual accountability, and ineffective leadership. Our Team Leadership training program teaches managers to diagnose their team’s development and apply the right leadership style to build and sustain high-performance teams.

By teaching managers these leadership skills, you can significantly improve your teams’ ability to execute on projects, grow the business, and adapt to whatever arises.

Executive teams can achieve alignment and break through to greater levels success through:

  • Team Leadership Training
  • Team Leadership Development

Team Leadership Training and Team Leadership Development from Vertical Elevation Will Bring Your Executive Team into Alignment

Our goal is to help you create a high-performing, Talent Centered Organization (TCO). To reach your potential you will need:

  • Alignment among executives
  • Alignment between executives and the board of directors
  • Alignment throughout the organization

Leadership and Team Development – Discovery Process

Vertical Elevation will meet individually with your executive team for discovery interviews. These interviews allow us to:

If you crave alignment, Vertical Elevation can help you achieve it.

Our leadership and team development coaching and training will help your team get aligned, commit to a shared vision, and buy in more deeply to creating an authentic and supportive environment.

Schedule a discovery call to begin the process of creating a Talent Centric Organization.

Build a stronger, more committed team in three steps:

1. Align your leadership

Run each executive team member through the discovery process and get them into alignment with the company vision


2. Build a talent strategy that supports the business strategy

Imagine being the leader of a business where employees are clear on their roles and take responsibility for what they do. By analyzing your recruiting methods and reframing your approach to talent acquisition, we help you land the most capable team members and foster loyalty to your organization. 


3. Achieve your company’s goals with a healthy, talent-centric organization

By hiring and retaining candidates who have the right skill set, cultural fit, and corporate vision, your business will experience a greater sense of stability and unity as you and your team work together toward a shared vision of success.